Absolutely Beautiful - Eucharistic Adoration Flash Mobs

These videos are awesome. It is absolutely beautiful and inspiring to see Eucharistic Adoration in public. This is a powerful witness to Catholics, reminding us that we should put our hope and trust in Christ and not fear the scorn and ridicule of this world. These videos also tell us that we should be proud to be Catholic!

God bless the priests and lay people who organized the Eucharistic Adoration in these videos.

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The Battlelines Have Been Drawn

US bishops’ lawyers accuse Obama Administration of ‘an unprecedented attack on religious liberty’

This is really only the beginning. Over the last several years under the current administration, we have seen a gradual erosion of religious liberties. We have witnessed this with forcing the acceptance of gay marriage on the state and federal level, and now with this mandatory coverage of contraception with its dangerously narrow religious exemption clause.

I seriously feel that this is only the beginning and it will get much worse. Christians, and especially Catholics, will continue to be marginalized and forced to choose between their faith and obeying the law. Unless we wake up soon and finally take a stand for our faith, we will be sliding down that slippery slope with increasing speed.

Forced To Accept Immorality

Stacy Trasancos at Accepting Abundance wrote a great commentary on her experience as a practicing Catholic and mother of young children, having to face the immorality our society finds acceptable. Specifically, she mentions her children encountering public displays of affection among gays in a local park in her town.

As expected the gay-rights crowd, whose mantra is tolerance, have flooded her blog with comments attacking her and even making threats against her and her family. In other words, they refuse to tolerate her beliefs and her rights to free speech. As Mark Shea, in his own unique way, states on his blog: "Tolerance is not enough. You. MUST. Approve. And you MUST force your daughter to approve as well."

Stacy responded bravely to these attacks with two more posts on her blog, You duped me, O LORD and Accepting Evangelization.  In the latter posting, she discusses one important lesson she learned from these ugly attacks. It is an important lesson all Catholics should remember:
Be willing to suffer, but know that you in fact may not. Grace will conquer suffering and turn it into rejoicing. And that, dear fellow Catholics, will make you never want to give up or shut up! It will instill in you an abundance of joy that will bless you in ways you will not even expect.
Thank you Stacy for having the courage to speak the truth and to stand by our faith. May God bless you and please continue your good work.

Please click on the links above to visit Stacy's blog and to leave words of encouragement and support for her.