The Hypocrisy of Our Culture and Our Condemning Silence

By now, most people have already heard how former Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling was fired from his position at ESPN. (see story here).The reason for his termination was a post he put on his personal Facebook account that some found offensive to the transgender (or whatever we are calling them this week) community. ESPN then went so far as to remove virtually any reference to Curt Schilling in documentary they produced about the Red Sox 2004 World Series win, in which he played a large part in.

You can view his facebook post at this link. While I agree that it is somewhat unpleasant to look at, it points out the absurdity of the transgender bathroom debate in our culture right now. To sum it all up, the "progressive" minded folks in our society are willing to put our children at risk in public bathrooms in order to appease a very minuscule, but very vocal, percentage of the general population that due to a mental disorder, cannot identify with their God given gender. Schilling agrees with those of us who see the need for states to pass these "bathroom laws" to protect the most vulnerable in our society.

But the politically correct crowd is vilifying Schilling any one else who dares to publicly oppose this latest push in their LGTBQ ideology. Celebrities are urging boycotts of those states that had the moral courage to pass the bathroom protection laws. Even our "Panderer-in-Chief", President Obama is again shamefully overstepping his federal authority and threatening to withhold federal funds from these states if they don't repeal these laws.

What does all this have to do with the hypocrisy and the silence in the title of this post? Let's step back and look at Schilling's employer, ESPN. This sports network is currently owned by media giant Disney, who also owns the ABC network. The ABC network has chosen to air a sitcom called the "Real O'Neals". This supposed comedy is anything but funny and is nothing more than a weekly episodic attack on Catholicism. The show revolves around a dysfunctional Catholic family that act idiotic most of the time. The only member of this family that is portrayed as reasonable and intelligent is their gay son. Not much of a shocker there! (see more here.) Despite calls from various Catholic and Christian organizations to ABC to stop this bigotted attack against Catholics, network executives are persisting in airing this weekly filth.

The blatant hypocrisy of this situation lies with the Disney executives. On one hand, they allow the firing of Schilling so as to not offend the so called "transgender" community, but on the other hand they find it completely acceptable to offend the entire Catholic Church every week. Can someone in the House of Mouse tell me why it is forbidden to offend one community while yet obstinately attacking another community? Would anyone at Disney ever allow ABC to air a comedy that would similarly attack the gay community or the Muslim community? The answer is an obvious no.

The reason we Catholics have become the last acceptable target of bigotry is in part because of our silence. This same silence reveals the stark truth that we as a Church are losing these battles because we are not even showing up for the fight. I am not saying we should become extremists and use violence. What I am saying is that we as Catholics should stop being lazy and make our voices heard. Start by contact Disney and ABC and telling them to end this anti-Catholic bigotry. Take it even further by boycotting Disney, ABC, their sponsors, and anything else affiliated with Disney. Trust me when I say this, you and your family will survive if you forgo the usual pilgrimage to Disneyworld! Encourage others to stand up against this bigotry as well. Yes you may loose a few Facebook friends by standing up for the Church, but you will survive this too.

Most importantly, the best way to make a difference is to proudly live your faith even in the face of hatred and adversity. Prayer, fasting, the Sacraments, and publicly living your faith can change the world. There are thousands of Christians throughout the Middle East who are being persecuted, tortured and murdered by ISIS just for believing in Christ and refusing to renounce their faith. Yet so many of us Catholics here in the U.S. choose to be silent when our faith is attacked in the media. Our silence is condemning.

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