1st Sunday of Advent: Wake Up!

1st Sunday of Advent: Wake Up! Happy Priest on Preparing for Christmas

Most of the world did not notice Jesus' first coming.  We need to stay awake and notice how he comes to us each day.  What about those special graces that come to us each day?  What about those amazing opportunities that he gives us each day to love him more and more.  When we are inattentive, when we are lazy, when we are indifferent, we miss out on so much.  Advent is a time to wake up and to leave aside our laziness and tepidity. "Therefore, stay awake!  For you do not know on which day your Lord will come" (Matthew 24: 42).  

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX (Catholic Online) - The first Sunday of Advent marks the beginning of a new liturgical year.  It is interesting to note how the liturgical year ends with the theme of the Second Coming, while at the same time, the new liturgical year also focuses on the same theme. Since we are about to celebrate Christmas, we would suppose that the new liturgical year would begin chronologically with a reflection on the Incarnation.  However, that is not the case. The reason why the liturgical year ends and begins with the same theme is clear: if we have already embraced Jesus in his first coming, we will have no fear of his second coming. 

Click here to read the rest of this reflection on the 1st Sunday of Advent.

The Drama and the Dilemma of Fatherhood

The Drama and the Dilemma of Fatherhood

The link above is to a powerful article by Dr. Donald Demarco about the secular world's attack on fatherhood. Dr. Demarco, quoting statements from Pope John Paul II, discusses how the attempt to "abolish" fatherhood began in the Garden of Eden:
Toward the end of his international best-seller, Crossing the Threshold of Hope, Pope John Paul II makes the startling comment that original sin is, above all, an attempt “to abolish fatherhood”.  Tradition teaches that our primal parents’ first sin was one of disobedience and pride.  This is correct, but describes the disposition of Adam and Eve.  When we look at the object of their offense, God Himself, we see that their sin is against His Fatherhood.

According to the serpent, by abolishing fatherhood and the authority it contains, Adam and Eve would be free of all restrictions and become gods themselves.  Tradition also teaches that this Original Sin led directly to a Fall of catastrophic proportions.
The author goes on to discuss why it is crucial for men to strive to follow God's model of fatherhood, not only for the sake of their families, but for the good of society as well . This is a truly insightful article that is worth reading. Please read this and pass in on to others.

The Pope, Condoms, and the Media

I have often been very critical of the mainstream news media on this blog, usually with good reason. I want to thing perfectly clear. I believe the mainstream media, with only a few exceptions, has become the mouthpiece of Satan himself. I know this sounds pretty harsh, but look at the facts. Whether it's CNN, Associated Press, the New York Times, or a whole list of others, they always look for any opportunity to distort the truth to malign the Catholic Church and attack the Pope. Look at these latest headlines from AP, CNN, and NY Times:

Pope says some condom use 'first step' of morality 

Pope says condoms may be OK in some circumstances 

Pope Says Condoms to Stop AIDS May Be Acceptable

The Pope drops Catholic ban on condoms in historic shift - Telegraph.co.uk 

These so called reputable news sources would have you believe that the Pope is drastically changing the Church's stance on condom use. They are practically giddy with the revelation that the Church is admitting it's wrong and changing it controversial teaching against condoms.

When I first saw these stories earlier today, I had a hard time believing this, especially since Pope Benedict XVI has stood so firmly against giving into the relativistic nature of our society. I want you to form your own opinion on this story however. Read the above stories and then read this last article below from EWTN/CNA.

Pope Benedict advocates right sexuality, not condom use, in fight against HIV 

I think it's pretty obvious who is telling the truth in these articles. The first four articles above don't even come remotely close to being accurate. The EWTN/CNA article uses the condom statement in the proper context so the reader can see that the Pope is actually defending Church teaching and not trying to change it. Secondly, the Pope made these remarks during the course of an interview with a journalist. They were not made in any official Church or Papal document like an encyclical. In other words, they are just the Pope's opinion and he has freely admitted that even the Popes can have opinions that are incorrect. By no means whatsoever do these statements reflect a change in any official Church teaching. Jimmy Akin on his blog at the National Catholic Register does a remarkable job dissecting these reports and getting to the truth behind this mess. Please take the time to read his posst at the following links:  

The Pope Said WHAT about Condoms??? 
Understanding the Pope's Dilemma on Condoms 

As I mentioned before, this is typical of the anti-Catholic mainstream media. What can we as Catholics do about this? We can start by not taking anything from the news media at face value. It doesn't take much time to do a little research online to get both sides of the story. You will be surprised by how often the news media is not as accurate or unbiased as they lead to you believe. Secondly, educate yourself on your faith. A Catholic with a firm understanding of their faith would know just by reading those headlines that the story is just another distortion of the truth. Finally, don't be afraid to speak up and defend our Church and the truth. It's up to us to stand up for the truth when we hear others trying to tear it down. This includes even contacting the various news media and telling them that is unacceptable. We could make a difference if these news outlets are flooded with calls and emails from faithful Catholics telling them enough is enough.

In case you have any doubt as to what the official Vatican response is to this media circus, I will leave with these links to the statements from the official Vatican spokesman:

Vatican spokesman: Pope not changing Church teaching on condom use 
Statement on Pontiff's Words Regarding Condoms

The Model of True Manhood

This is a continuation of the topic of my previous post, teaching our sons true manhood. When I was searching the internet for any other articles I could use in that previous posting, I came across the article St. Joseph and Manhood, from Msgr. Charles Pope of the Archdiocese of Washington. It focuses on what we as men can learn about manhood from one of the greatest examples ever in the Catholic church. Msgr. Pope describes how even though no words of St. Joseph are recorded in the Bible, his actions speak volumes on the role of fathers and husbands in the family.

The one point in the article that really stood out for me was about St. Joseph teaching us the difference between our vocation and our career. Too many of us forget that our vocations are our families and that takes priority over our careers. Here is an excerpt from Msgr. Pope on this topic:
A man whose vocation is more important than his career – In Bethlehem Joseph is warned by an angel in a dream: Get up, take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him (Matt 2:13). Joseph may well have had much to lose in this flight. Back in Nazareth he had a business, a career if you will. He had business prospects, business partners and contacts. Fleeing to a distant land might mean others would take his business etc. But Joseph was a father and husband before he was a businessman. His child was threatened and his first obligation was to Jesus and Mary. His vocation outweighed his career. In a culture like ours where too many parents make their careers and livelihoods paramount and their children are too easily placed in day care Joseph displays a different priority. It is true that many parents feel they have no choice but to work. But it is also true that many demand a lifestyle which requires a lot of extra income. Perhaps a smaller house, less amenities etc would permit a daycare free childhood for more of our children. Joseph points the way for parents: vocation has priority over career. For fathers especially Joseph shows that a man is a husband and father before he is a businessman. 
Please take the time to read  St. Joseph and Manhood, from Msgr. Charles Pope, as it include powerful lessons that we all can learn from this great saint. It also include two videos that provide more insights into the life of the protector of the Holy Family. St. Joseph pray for us!

Teaching Our Sons about True Manhood

I have a 3 year old son at home who has been very vocal lately about his desire to be a gentleman. It is very cute and endearing when he runs to open the car door for his mother or his sisters while exclaiming "Wait! I wanna do it! I wanna be a gentleman!"

Even though he sometimes chooses the wrong time to do this, my wife and I constantly remind ourselves not to discourage this behavior as there is a clear lack of gentlemanly virtue in the world today. I have to give my wife credit for this because whenever my son misbehaves, she uses it as an occasion to teach him that this is not how "mommy's little gentleman" should act.

This all brings me to a outstanding article that I received from All Pro Dad titled 10 Things to Teach Your Son About True Manhood. It is a list of 10 things we need to be teaching our sons so they learn what it is to be a true man. It lists qualities such as respect towards women, responsibility, and humility. Let's face facts, our sons aren't going to learn virtues and how to be gentleman from our culture. These were replaced long ago with greed, selfishness, and other deviant behaviors. It up to us as dads, especially Catholic dads, to swim against the tide and teach our sons what true manhood really means.

I thank God that my wife has been so consistent in teaching my son to be a gentleman. I will admit that I am not always the best example as sometimes my temper, frustrations, and old habits get the best of me. But I am trying learn from my mistakes and I think I will be using this list to not only teach my son but to remind myself as well of the person that I want to be.

Click on the link above for the list and more from All Pro Dad. I have also posted the complete list below:

1. Being a gentleman is still worth the effort:
- Hold the door.
- Stand up when a woman leaves or joins the table.
- Walk on the “splash” side of the sidewalk.
- Attempt (gently) to pick up the tab.
- Go get the car when it’s raining.
- Offer your hand…
2. At the same time, be respectful: All the above “gentlemanly” actions must be offered subtly, and - if necessary - set aside graciously when refused.
3. Take responsibility: In a word (well, two), “step up.” True manhood takes responsibility for its actions, choices, values and beliefs. And – while taking responsibility, manhood is also willing to admit – with grace - when it is wrong.
4. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable: Real strength allows other people in. Manhood is honest about feelings and not afraid to be known. True manhood never builds a wall where there should be a window, or a fortress where there should be a sanctuary.
5. Actually “being” a man is more important than “talking” like one: Real men don’t just stand up and speak up - they “put up” too. Loud talk and tough posturing don’t cut it. True manhood involves finding a need and doing something about it. Real men don’t complain about social problems – they go out and do something about them. Real men don’t point fingers – they work for solutions. Real men get calluses on their hands – not from flapping their lips.
6. Listen respectfully, disagree politely and never exclude women from conversation: True manhood is inclusive. It may be strong, but it’s unfailingly polite. Men who equate bluster or machismo with strength are typically covering something up. Men who think women have nothing to contribute to the conversation need to wake up and smell the 21st Century.
7. Love is stronger than muscles: True manhood understands that brute force is less compelling than self-giving love. The best solutions to difficulties involved applied love.
8. The first shall be last: True manhood puts others first. Jesus is quoted more than once as saying something like this: If you want to be a leader, then the place to be is on your knees, with a towel in your hand, washing someone’s feet.
9. Manhood is – sometimes - more about what you could do but didn’t than what you could have avoided but did anyway: There’s a lot of restraint – a great deal of “Quiet Strength” in true manhood. Real men tend to always have something in reserve.
10. True manhood is more about giving than about getting: Our culture often touts a “men see what they want, then they go out and get it” view of manhood. But true manhood is more along the lines of “see what the world needs, then go out and do it.” Strength leveraged for the benefit of others.

The Catholic Church in the Obama Era

I have posted a link below to the keynote address of Dr. Charles E. Rice to the national meeting of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists held at Holy Cross College in Notre Dame, Ind on Oct. 22. I can urge you strongly enough to read this. It is a brilliant and passionate speech about the challenges facing us as a Church in today's society. I only wish more priests and bishops would be as bold and courageous in their homilies.

Click here to read the speech: The Catholic Church in the Obama Era

It is a long speech but well worth the time to read it. Please consider sharing this speech with others, as it contains an important message that all Christians need to read.  I posted a few excerpts below highlighting some of Dr. Rice's powerful statements on our government, culture, and our Church:

On Obama and the Government:
It is, unfortunately, credible to say that Catholics played a major role in putting the Obama Regime in power. Highly visible Catholic academics, Catholic politicians who obey their own magisterium, and Catholic clerics and publicists, paved the way for Catholic voters and others to fall for "hope and change." Sadly, there is precedent. For a comparable example of the rapid concentration of executive power by a legally installed regime, we have to look to Germany in 1933. Adolf Hitler was named Chancellor on January 30. He consolidated his power over the next few weeks. The decisive event was the Reichstag's approval of the Enabling Act on March 23, 1933, by which it ceded full and irrevocable powers to Hitler. That was the point of no return. The Enabling Act received the needed two-thirds vote only because it was supported by the Catholic party, the Centre Party. [1]
Obamacare, enacted with the decisive support of Catholic members of Congress, is the Enabling Act of our time in the wide-ranging control it cedes to government over the lives of the people, including the takeover of student aid. Why are student loans in the health care bill? The common denominator is control. No student can now get a federally guaranteed educational loan without the consent of a federal bureaucrat. This can make political loyalty a test for educational advancement, as it was in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.

Post Election Thoughts

I have been a little lax in blogging lately because there just seems to not be enough hours in the day. Even though the elections happened a few days ago, I still wanted to share my thoughts on it. First, I am thrilled that the Tea Party was so successful. For too long both Democrat and Republican parties have seemingly lost their way. It good to see true conservatives stand up and start taking this country back. A few weeks ago the media reported that several high ranking Republicans wanted their party to abandon issues such as abortion and gay marriage for the sake of gaining more votes. In a nutshell, that is why I am not registered as a Republican or a Democrat, but as an independent. In terms of my political affiliation, I am a conservative Catholic first and foremost and my faith influences who I vote for. This election cycle, it happened to be the Tea Party candidates and true conservatives. Because of their victories it now appears that this upcoming Congress will be the most pro-life ever, which is a welcome relief considering we have had the most pro-abortion leaders in history over the past two years.

However, I was greatly disappointed in the results of my home state of Rhode Island. Demographics show that little Rhody is the most Catholic state in the nation because of high  percentage of Catholics in the total population. The election proved that many of these are Catholic in name only. Not only did this state elect to send two pro-abortion and pro-gay marriage congressmen to Washington DC, it also elected a governor who is also pro-abortion and pro-gay marriage. Besides that, the state legislature continues to be dominated by liberal democrats and even elected an openly gay speaker of the house. My frustration comes from the fact that while so many people claim to be Catholic here, no one seems to know or care about what it means to vote like a Catholic. I am disgusted by the apathy in this state to such intrinsic evils as abortion and gay marriage. Over the past several years, we had governor who was a practicing Catholic that opposed abortion and gay marriage. There were many state representatives, including the former speaker of the house, that also opposed gay marriage. With this new election cycle, we have lost many of these important allies. It's easy to see which direction this state is headed in when it comes to same sex marriage and other social issues. Please pray for this state as we really need it. We as voters have traded our faith for the promises of economic gain, just like Judas and the 30 pieces of silver.