A Warning to Christians in the U.S. and Canada

This story should serve as a warning to all Christians in North America. Gay Marriage is the just the tip of the iceberg. The real agenda goes far deeper and is on an inevitable collision course with religious freedoms.

Government can require foster parents to affirm homosexuality rules UK High Court

The following quote from the article is a shining example of how hostile this world has become towards Christianity:
“Eunice and Owen Johns have been humiliated and sidelined and told by a Government body (the Equalities and Human Rights Commission) that their mainstream Christian views might “infect” children. They have also effectively been told by British Judges that their views may harm children,” Williams said.
It's amazing how times have changed. I remember in the not too distant past when homosexuality was thought to be a disorder and harmful to children. It brings to mind the following verse from Isaiah:
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil, who change darkness into light, and light into darkness, who change bitter into sweet, and sweet into bitter! (Isaiah 5:20)

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Blog Redesign

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You are my God

This is a powerful video accompanied by a beautiful song by Catholic musician Tony Melendez. I came across this video a while ago and feel it is really worth sharing.

What Some People Find Offensive

Take a look at the video below, and ask your self if you find this offensive. Unfortunately Fox Sports had decided not to air this ad during the Superbowl because of their policy against commercials with religious doctrine. They do not want to risk offending anyone.

I personally didn't find any religious doctrine in this ad. It simply directs viewers to look up John 3:16 for themselves in the Bible or on-line. I admire the creators of this ad, Fixed Point Foundation, in how they responded to Fox Sports:
“Fox Sports isn't the enemy,” said Taunton [Larry Taunton Executive Director of Fixed Point]. “We aren't out to demonize them. We think this is more of a cultural issue than it is a Fox Sports issue. Their solution was just to run from it because they think this is something that would offend their viewership. I think we have become so utterly sensitive and politically correct that the result is we end up doing absurd things like this.”
Because of the twisted values of our culture and the media, anything with a Christian message is deemed offensive. However Fox Sports and the Fox Network in general have no problem airing the usually racy ads from Go-Daddy and other sponsors that in the past have been borderline pornographic and have openly mocked religion. Fox Network also does not find it offensive to air their usual lineup of violence and sex filled shows on prime time each evening. Most recently Fox deemed it appropriate and inoffensive to air openly the show Glee, which contains explicit sexual content, teen promiscuity, and graphic scenes with gay teens and their same sex partners.

I agree with Mr. Taunton about this whole matter. The isn't just an issue with Fox, but it is symptomatic of our sick society in which so much immorality is accepted and "normal" and "good". However any mention of Christ and His message of hope and truth and turning away from sin is found offensive and met with ridicule and scorn. Our culture is submersed so deeply in darkness that it attacks anything that points to the Light. It is like a person who has been sitting in the dark for a long time. Once a bright light is turned on, it causes pain to the person's eyes. They can either be patient and accept the light and bear with the pain until their eyes adjust or they can choose the darkness by shielding their eyes and try to extinguish the light. It is easy to see which option our society is choosing.
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. (Isaiah 5:20)

Abortion, Gay Marriage, Teachers, and Healthcare

I want to ask for your prayers for us in the state of Rhode Island. We are gearing up for the latest round in the battle to preserve traditional marriage. A hearing was scheduled this week at the state house for the judiciary committee to review a bill that would legalize gay marriage. This committee has to approve it before it goes before the full assembly for a vote. Fortunately, the hearing was postponed because of a snowstorm. (I'd like to think it was God casting His vote on the side of traditional marriage.) However, the gay marriage advocates were quick to get it rescheduled for next week.

In years past, we had a Catholic governor as well a speaker of the house and several state representatives who opposed gay marriage. This year, our new governor, who won with only 36% of the vote, advocates gay marriage. We have also lost some key allies in the state house as well as now having an openly gay speaker of the house. It's easy to see how personal agendas have pushed gay marriage to the top of the list of legislative priorities in a state with double digit unemployment, nearly bankrupt cities and towns, and decaying schools.

The Providence Journal had an interesting article this morning on the upcoming hearing and planned gay marriage rally. These particular paragraphs really jumped out at me:
“Please wear red to show your support for equality,” said an e-mail that the advocacy group, Ocean State Action, issued this week to draw attention to the event.
Members of Ocean State Action include Planned Parenthood of Rhode Island, the National Organization for Women Rhode Island Chapter (RI NOW), the Sierra Club and a host of unions, including the Association of University Professors Rhode Island Chapter, Hotel Employees Restaurant Employees Local 217, the National Association of Social Workers RI (NASW), National Education Association RI (NEARI), the New England Health Care Employees Union District 1199 SEIU, United Auto Workers Region 9A (UAW) and the United Nurses & Allied Professionals (UNAP).
It's pretty interesting that Planned Parenthood and NOW are behind this gay marriage push since they also advocate the murder of millions of unborn each year through abortion. It really should come as no surprise since they, like gay marriage advocates, want to separate the sacred gift of sexuality from its true purpose of uniting a married couple through the procreation of children, which is the embodiment of their love for one another.

The environmentalist group Sierra Club, advocates keeping abortion legal and views it as birth control as part of their view that couples should be limited to only two children as a remedy to their mythical problem of overpopulation. I guess allowing gays to marry is one way to confront overpopulation, since there is no way they can conceive naturally.

I find it most disturbing that groups like unions for teachers, college professors, nurses and other health care professionals are also assisting this push for gay marriage. These are the same people that we entrust our children to in the classrooms and our health care to in the hospitals. Yet they are trying to advance an unhealthy and destructive lifestyle while at the same time also aligning with those that advocate and profit from the killing of innocent lives.

On a related note, a Rhode Island legislator introduced a bill that would allow citizens to vote on whether or not to legalize gay marriage on the 2012 ballot. I agree with the National Organization for Marriage on this being a fair and just course of action because over 80% of Rhode Islanders polled want this on the ballot. However, because gay marriage advocates know that in every state where this has been on the ballot, traditional marriage has been upheld. They know they can only win this by the legislature or the courts forcing this on the citizens of this state. Since we have an openly gay speaker of the House, I don't expect this gay marriage referendum bill to ever get a fair hearing.

I ask for your prayers for Rhode Island as well as other states that are once again entering into this battle to protect traditional marriage and families. Despite what the media or the advocates are telling us, with the help of God, we can win this battle. Also if you are in the area, please attend the hearing on February 9 at the State House in Providence, RI at 4 pm to show your support for God's model of marriage and families.